How Do I Develop a Character | Living the Write Life

How do I develop a character?

With a few simple questions you can make the process of character creation easier.

Take this image of a cat from Pixabay.

Black cat staring at camera.
  • Is it male or female?
  • What’s its name?
  • What’s its goal?
  • Why does it have this goal?
  • What is stopping it from achieving its goal?
  • Does it have any quirks?
  • What do others say about it?
  • What does its best friend say about it?
  • What does its rival say about it?
  • What flaws and strengths does it have?
  • If put into a perilous situation, how would it react?
  • If put into a pleasant situation, how would it react?

The great thing is once you start answering these questions, more arrive. Pretty soon, you have a full character. 

This post is based on opinion and personal experience; it is not to be taken as professional advice.

Until the next wormhole…thanks for reading!

Got any writing questions? Ask away in the comments! 

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